Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunday: The Aftermath

The dinner ended around 11 p.m., after which 
we dragged our tired, elated selves back to our hotel
and surveyed the damage.
Diane's corner

 My corner
 And then I realized I had to pack it all. 
It was insane. It took me about 3 hours to unbox everything, 
wrap it up, pack, repack, lather, rinse, repeat.

 Diane was driivng home, so she had the luxury 
of keeping her dolls, fashions, and items intact the packaging. 
 She ended up selling her other convention gift set 
on eBay immediately after we got back to the hotel. It sold for $300.
She also sold the vintage fashions for another $75 or so.
Girl made a killing!
After we finally got it all packed and loaded,
we took a moment to reflect on the week's events out on our balcony,
finally succumbing to sleep at 3:00 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you had such a fabulous week in Florida getting to meet up with a few of the "Kens" and hangin' with so many Barbies!! I can't believe all of the stuff that you get from those's crazy! I guess that is why you have to pay so much to attend, so that you can pay extra luggage fees on the way home :)

    Thanks so much for sharing all of your Barbie Convention days with me. It has been fun to see several of the vintage items that look familiar to me back in the "black and white" era. haha

    It's cool that you got to meet the designers too - not something that everyone gets the chance to do! Hope that you get to go again sometime!!
