Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wednesday: Beach Party Reception & Silent Auction

Wednesday night, the party really got started!
The convention is all about Barbie, but it was Ken's 50th birthday!
To celebrate, we attended the Beach Party.
We saw this guy in the coconut bra and just couldn't stop laughing.
We made friends with this girl, Lisa, after striking up a conversation
with her about how much she resembles one of the Hard Rock Cafe Barbies.

Designers at the convention handed out these Genuine Ken wrist tags,
a tribute to the first Ken sold back in 1961.
(Yes, Ken is 2 years younger than Barbie!)
Here's me about to PASS OUT after getting to meet Robert Best,
He designed tons of dolls, least of all the awesome Silkstone dolls.
I remember watching him on Project Runway a few years ago.
Got his autograph on my wrist tag!
Robert is so adorable and gracious to his fans!
Lots of Kens present for this event!
Diane, Linda Kyaw (another awesome designer!) & me

Spazzing out after meeting our favorite designers!
Robert & Linda

There was an actual Ken at the event,
posing in his authentic 1961 ensemble and box.
He was so hilarious--he never broke that "Ken" smile the entire night,
throughout hours of picture-taking with 800 conventioneers.
Hah I love the expression in this one!
We learned later he is on Glee as a member of the Warblers.
More Kens!

After all the excitement from the party & the silent auction,
we realized we hadn't eaten all day.
We gathered up the other ladies from the Richmond doll club and hit up a nearby restaurant.
The night-time menus featured LED screens, it was weird.
Would you like some PEPPER on your salad?!?!?
SWAG from the party!

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