Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tuesday: Artist Creations Party

A couple of Italian designers,
Alessandro Gatti and Guiseppe de Bellis,
create these one-of-kind masterpieces
and sell them around the world.
They showcased some of their designs at a party Tuesday afternoon.
These babies go for OODLES of money!!
Hundreds and thousands of dollars.
This one was one of my favorites. She was originally a Mattel Marzipan Barbie.

One of the artists, speaking in an adorable Italian accent.

This one, a Mattel Siren Silkstone redesign,
was auctioned and raised $6,500
at the silent auction at the end of the convention.
You think she'd be more thrilled
about having raised so much money!

1 comment:

  1. The Barbie with the white fabric and pearls and sequins with the big white backdrop of a dress behind her --- SHE IS OUT OF CONTROL!! I mean really, where would anyone wear that??

    (but it really is gorgeous. . . )
