Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Friday: Barbie Fan Club Party

 We had some time to just mill around before the Barbie Fan Club party, 
so we roamed around and saw Ken just hanging out,
waiting for someone to take his picture....
 We were worn out after so many days of excitement 
and just found a quiet corner to chill,
since it would have been too much work to leave the hotel, 
drive back to our hotel, and pay for parking all over again...

 Ken's Birthday Bash began!
 Members of the BFC only!

 Why LOOK who it is!
 Robert was there to show us the prototypes 
from the 2012 line. SO EXCITED for more silkstones in SUITS!!!
And HATS!!! Finally, some HATS!!

 Diane and Dream Date Ken!
 Bill Greening also showed us another line of dolls 
to be released as part of the 2012 line-
the last incantation of the Barbie Basics.
Thanks for the freebies, Mattel!

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