Thursday, December 30, 2010

Re-dressed Rules!

It's pretty rare that a doll and outfit come together in perfect harmony.
Most of the time, I will be wild about a doll and hate the outfit, or love the outfit
and want to toss the doll out the window.
When that happens, I take matters into my own hands.

Take, for example, the ridiculous gimmicky getup on this one:
Riiiiiiight, because as the fashion icon of the world, Barbie should TOTALLY be wearing a dress paying homage to the famous landmark in London that features ACTUAL MOVING HANDS OF A CLOCK.

Ahem. That's better.

This outfit is a mishmash of different pieces I had lying around.
I love the mysterious giant hat that nobody would ever wear!

It's got a "Park Avenue" feel to it.
Hmm, I should have given her a little poodle to complete the look.
You may recognize this doll from an earlier post. She came in a boring black dress that washed out her complexion. She is rockin' this dress, though! I got this crystal-studded dress from a REALLY ugly doll.

But the black dress found a new who wears it like a true diva.This doll is still wearing the original dress she came in, but it is so '80s!
I haven't decided what to do with her just yet. But what a gorgeous face!


  1. It's cute how you play "dress up" with these dolls that already come in a cute outfit, but everything has to be to your specifications. But really, we always did that when we played Barbies, but back in the day I played, only had a handful of choices (unless we made them and they were usually ugly)~ haha ~ I do like the big brimmed black hat! Very stylish~ She probably only shops on 5th Avenue ~

  2. I mean "Park Avenue" haha - she can shop where ever - as long as she can get the skinny clothes for her skinny body ~

  3. ha nice Janell. I too love how you change up their clothes. You know just what matches there personalality like no body else. Its cute how much thought you put into making these girls look their best!
