Saturday, September 25, 2010


You know it's bad when a big package arrives at your house looking like this:
Or this:

Or this.So it seems like somewhat of a miracle when the contents
turn out to be undamaged bookcases for my office.
I put these babies together myself.
I may be a doll collector, but I know my way around a power drill.
I unpacked my collection after a 4-month hiatus.

I will probably be donating some dolls to Goodwill
or trading with other members to thin down my collection
to just the ones that I really enjoy. Quality over quantity!
I finally get to use this display case again, yeah!
This print was given to my for my birthday,
and is sooo gorgeous and HUGE in person.
And it's totally okay with me that the frame doesn't match the other one.
Woo-hoo, I got to unpack the doll closet, too!

I still have somewhere in the ballpark of 230+ dolls and/or fashions.
There are a few boxes of dolls packed up that I might
be trading, selling or donating at some point.
For now, I like having the breathing room.


  1. I love those shelves, they are so nice but where did you put your desk? Isn't that the wall it was on? Can't believe they survived that box! I also love all the Barbies that get to "come out" now after all this time! haha

  2. The desk and bookshelf got moved to the other wall. So I have the "academic" side of the room, and the "barbie" side :)

  3. HEY! Your mom and sis told me that you collect barbies too! My collection is NOTHING compared to yours though! LOVE IT!
