Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Stunning Discovery

Mattel released "Stunning in the Spotlight," a Silkstone** Barbie
last year for the horrendous price of $161.
Needless to say, I did not immediately run out and purchase this doll.
No- I scoured every website out there trying to find a price I could stand to pay.
No such price was to be found in the 18 months I have been looking.
I stopped into a shabby and neglected-looking Tuesday Morning store this week just to see if MAYBE there was some buried treasure, because every once in awhile I have found Barbie bargains there.

Unbelievably, this doll was just sitting there on a dusty shelf in a somewhat scuffed and dirty box. But the doll itself was untouched and perfect. AND it was half price! Still expensive, but that's what gift cards and birthday money are for!
The thing I like most about this doll is her unusual coloring- pale skin, dark eyes, light hair. Remind you of anyone?!?!
(These are pictures taken by another collector, fyi.)
In case the doll looks familiar to Mom, it's because the Silkstone doll is designed to pay homage to this doll, "Solo in the Spotlight," released in the early 60s.
It was part of Barbie's 50th birthday last year.

** Silkstone is a special material used by Mattel that has the look, feel, and weight of porcelain. Their clothing and accessories are generally of better quality and design. Silkstone dolls are substantially more expensive than regular collectible vinyl dolls.


  1. Yes, as soon as I saw her I felt all warm and fuzzy (: as it took me waaay back to the Barbies of many years ago. She is so beautiful and is a classic!! That is awesome that you found her at such a good price!!

  2. haha. she looks like a mad, pissed off barbie. you should paint a smile on her face. :)
    Nice deal though sis! Way to keep an eye out for a bargin!

  3. No, she's not mad or p-----d off, she just isn't like the Barbie in Toy Story that has a frozen fake smile on and then has to relax because her face hurts! ha This Barbie knows she is "all that" and doesn't need to do anything other than just look glamorous. . .
