Monday, July 11, 2011

Goddess of the Galaxy

A box addressed to me arrived today!
Inside that box was another box.
Inside that box was another box wrapped in tissue.
And in THAT box was a Goddess.

Girlfriend is FIERCE!
I think that coat is made out of the fabric of the Universe or something.

I've posted some pics taken by other collectors,
who have better cameras and more time on their hands.
The dress under the coat
Do you see the long rooted eyelashes?!?!
Do you SEE the crystal next to her EYE?!?!
And the BOOTS! And the CORSET!
I'm at a loss for words!
She is SO different from the other dolls in my collection--
she's like Jem+Lady Gaga+She-Ra rolled into one.

She makes Medusa look like a simpering princess.
Don't mess with a Goddess.


  1. The suspense was killing me as each box was shown of yet another box that needed to be open!! But in the end the reward was the gorgeous Barbie! I think that the BOOTS and the CORSET are my favorite. Where will you display her in your home? How will you ever find another Barbie to top this find? She really is pretty though and it is so funny when I think back at all the Barbies I bought through the years for my girls - they didn't come close to the ones you collect (but they did get you hooked)! (Sorry Jeremy) ha

  2. Yay, it worked this time :))
