Saturday, May 21, 2011

Verushka #2 is here

The one I've been waiting for since last year finally arrived...looking like this!

Is that SCARY or WHAT?!?!
The big fuzzy ear flaps and dangly chain just weren't doin' it for me!
AND she was nearly BALD under that hat.
So I had to send her back for a replacement.
The replacement doll came, and I figured out
a way to subdue that crazy hat somewhat.

MUCH BETTER! You can actually see her FACE now.

Oh and this is what she looks like, sans hat: (photo courtesy of someone else)
I think she looks better with the hat. Adds mystery!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is hilarious how you LOVE to collect Barbies, and yet, you won't leave the Barbie alone until you make her the way YOU want her to be! You should get a job as a Barbie Designer and do what you are truly meant to do! Actually, I think maybe you should start taking special orders from the public and personalizing them to their/your taste. Think of the potential - all the accessories you ever wanted and unlimited clothing, and of course a pair of sharp scissors! ha

    I really do love how you personalize them though, makes them your own ~ love the blog ~
