Monday, August 30, 2010

This is the First One

It all happened like this:

On September 6, 1982, my mother presented me with a pink package, the likes of which I had never seen before. "Recommended ages 3 and up" was printed benevolently on the back of the box, and had likely served as a siren song to my unsuspecting mother, who grew up in a home without sisters or even a real Barbie to call her own. She had been waiting for this moment for who knows how long! This blog is for the woman who never really outgrew her adoration for Barbie, and loves Barbie vicariously through her daughters and granddaughter.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess it's not a secret anymore, I do LOVE Barbies (& Friends) and have since the mid 1960's when I remember playing with "Midge" and "Skipper". I would have been around 7 years old when I first started. I always envied my friends that actually had a Barbie, but we all shared the clothes and dolls, so really, it didn't matter much then. For some reason, Barbie has been a good friend to most little girls, and I she was no different to me. I have a special place in my heart for her and of all the memories I have when I was little. And to Janell, Rachel, Candace & Addie, thank you for the opportunity to "walk down the Barbie isle" through the years, I have loved every minute of it!!
