Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Sister's Barbies

I'm sure Rachel had about 87 dolls over the course of her childhood, but these are the ones I can remember. The 90's were a fun time to play with Barbies- I mean look at the totally rad mini-dress that Totally Hair Barbie is sporting, and that hair-- all the way to her toes!
This is actually the best-selling Barbie of all time. 10 million dolls were sold, along with a tube of Dep gel meant to tame those locks.

Gel or no gel, I am sure this is how she looked at the end of the first day!

This is another doll I remember from Rachel's collection. I think Beach Blast Barbie was unique because she was oh so cancerously tan. And that crimped, bleached-out hair? Why, she was every girl's dream, especially us pale white girls of European decent.

I think this Animal Lovin' Nikki was one of the early ones Rachel received as a kid. I totally loved that built-in gold belt on the skirt! Flashy!

And those pink earrings didn't stand a chance. Funny how earrings always came on the doll in the package but later disappeared....

Ah, Ken. Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken....the poor overwhelmed solitary male of the group. He probably got married to every Barbie between the two of us on at LEAST a daily basis. Technically he was given to me as a gift, but he was related to Rachel and her collection later through marriage. Er, marriages.
I think it was YEARS before Ken owned any dress clothes. (Who wanted to buy clothes for Ken? Men's clothes?!? BORE-ING!) So he usually sported a "beachy casual" look at his weddings.

This is where all of our dolls lived; a cardboard townhouse. This isn't the exact one that we shared; ours had a pink elevator and the background panels reflected an early 80s motif rather than a 70s motif, but I assure you, that comfortable-looking plastic furniture that came with it was darn near indestructible!


  1. Oh my heck!! You have an AMAZING memory!! How did you remember my barbies and what they were called?? I still have all of those barbies and Add plays with them. The animal lovin one... named " Meeko" has a much shorter "do" now and missing a nose and quite possibly a few ears. But she has survived. I have the purple shirt but the skirt is a goner. :( And Ken. Oh Ken. He really was yours?? I don't recall that either. His head pops off very easily now. Addie always says sorry when it falls of when she plays with him. haha. poor girl doesn't realize its not her fault. haha and that tan barbie! Oh she was my favorite for YEARS! That long haired barbie I remember a bit of. But that hair must of not lasted long. I dont have her saved. Is she in your box? Or was she one to suffer through our bored few hours of destrustion and sissors??
    P.S. I pulled out my BARBIE MOTORHOME from 1982 i think. I actually let Addie see it for the first time. I didnt trust her at her younger age. She thought it was so cool! But of course as we opened the camper it broke off and the ladder didnt hook on. the car part has no windshield, or steeringwheel. the folding back seats are gone. I immediately went to the web to look up buying a brand new one for Addie's birthday. I saw pictures of my oldie. OH MAN!! What memories! I almost started to cry as I saw all the parts and pieces that have been missing for decades but not erased from my memory. I remember us having the barbies have dance on the deck of the camper and a candle light dinner at the table with Ken. wow. That was my favorite thing ever!!! Do a post about that!! oh and bytheway.. they don't sale anything like that anymore. just a lameo small camper thing. I am so sad. I would buy that same motorhome so fast if I found it. I bet you could find it with all YOUR connections! :_)

  2. That is so funny! I always wondered why you 2 girls would destroy your Barbies! I never did anything like that or even considered doing it. I guess when you have "87" Barbies, it doesn't really matter though! haha

  3. Dude - I had "Totally Hair" Barbie in both blonde AND brunette.

    Obviously, I was the raddest kid in a 10 mile radius. I mean, I had TWO bottles of Dep hair gel at my disposal.
