Friday, February 11, 2011

Sneak Peeks

The latest "coming soon" dolls on my Gotta Have it list:

Vera Wang Bride


I loved that show, and there is something very sweet and retro about her!

1 comment:

  1. So the Barbie with the gigantic chain wrapped around her face - does she like that and wouldn't it bang into her face everytime she moved her head? I do love the bride. I am a succor for most dresses that are "poofy" like that. I always wanted one when I was little. Not sure that I had any place to where a dress like that - possibly just to play dress-up in. And as far as the witch, well, the skirt is just a little too tight. One could never get in a car or even get out of a car or even sit down without completely ripping the entire seam up to her you-know-what. But all in all, the girls really are very pretty and so I will have to wait until the next holiday (Sept. 6) to see what you end up getting. ha
